Autumn root harvesting is plentiful every year whether you're seeking roots for food or tea, or if you want to gather them to use medicinally. Many roots in the autumn are at their best for gathering and there are many to choose from!
Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, (1712 - 1778), wrote in his book, Emile: "The further we remove from a natural mode of living the more we lose our natural tastes." These powerful words from the 1700's have more meaning today than they did back then. Michael Cohen, author, takes a b
Lobster mushrooms are easy to identify. After morels, they are probably the most sought-after edible wild mushroom in the foraging community. Contrary to its name, a lobster is not a mushroom, but rather a parasitic ascomycete fungus.
Purslane contains a high density of several nutrients that are beneficial to our health. Although there are many ways to add this valuable wild plant into our diet, perhaps the most enjoyable way is by making a purslane smoothie and using this to make popsicles.
Cordials are a sparkling, naturally-fizzy beverage that pleasantly awaken the tastebuds. Making a cordial is simple and are a favourite summertime drink that can be enjoyed any month of the year!
Green smoothie powders are very expensive yet can provide us with a lot of badly-needed nutrients. Take control of your health and your budget by making your own green smoothie powder! The ingredients are free and all you need to invest is a little time.
The Wildcrafting Brewer is a must-have book for anyone who has an appreciation and desire for creating new and exciting fermented and non-fermented beverages. It does not matter whether you are a master at creating wild beverages or not, this book will definitely take your taste buds
Morels are inevitably the most-sought after mushrooms in spring, yet many foragers come home with only one or two. Here are some expert foraging tips to help you find morels.
Traditionally harvested as a vegetable, chickweed has earned a spot in the heart of many herbalists and self-healers. Chickweed is best known for its ability to cool inflammation and speed healing for internal or external flare-ups.