Bee the buzz in your neighborhood this year and plant low-to-no maintenance edible wild plants in your garden to attract the many variety of bees. Whether bees are in decline in your area or not, having a beautiful wild edible garden that brings pollinators to your property is win-win
As an advocate of eating wild foods, it only stands to reason I am a fervent label reader when shopping. In addition to reading food labels, it is equally important to read the labels of the personal care products and cosmetics – you owe it to your health, especially to the health of
Lemon Balm is a citrus-scented, aromatic herb that grows wild. Having many applications, lemon balm is well-worth using one way or another on a daily basis.
Chickweed is an incredible wild plant that tastes amazing and is used a lot in herbalism. There is no shortage of nutrients in chickweed or what chickweed can do for our health.
You'll never look at maple leaves the same ever again once you have tasted a deep fried maple leaf. Unique and delicious, edible maple leaves are sure to be a favourite!
The next time you see blogs on the Internet praising the virtues of the Balm of Gilead, or how to make this ointment, chances are these websites are not conveying information about the genuine Balm of Gilead. Poplar buds are not the genuine Balm of Gilead.
Weeds can be a headache for those who strive to have a “perfect” garden, yet in reality, many weeds are the best source of food and medicine that's available not just for us – but for our gardens as well. Even for us gardeners, weeds can be very helpful if we know a few basic principl