Stinging nettles, including those trichomes, are a reservoir of constituents and nutritional elements which provide us with a wealth of benefits for our health.
Flowers add colour and beauty to any garden so why not take advantage of what they have to offer us in the kitchen? Cooking and garnishing with flowers were, and still are, quite popular in many countries. When designing an edible landscape, think about adding in edible flowers becaus
Cultivated for thousands of years in Japan, globally, burdock root has become a sought-after root vegetable that provides us with a plethora of vital nutrients.
Peppermint is nothing short of being an exceptional plant that has enormous benefits for us and our homes. Out of the hundreds of species of mint, regardless of being foraged or cultivated, peppermint is the most widely used and best-known.
Ragweed is a plant that is the cause of a lot of discomfort experienced by millions of people worldwide every autumn. Hay fever is a health issue that costs billions of dollars every year, yet there are practical solutions out there.
Fermented foods are rich in probiotic bacteria that add beneficial bacteria and enzymes to your overall intestinal flora. Use your foraged goods (thanks to Wildcrafted Fermentation) to create fermented foods that you'll love.
Chickweed’s flavour is a refreshing burst of spring goodness. This versatile food is nutritious, easy to grow and easy to harvest that tastes delicious.
As foragers we are probably the closest to nature than most other individuals. When gathering our favourite goodies this may put us right into harms way with ticks. Many websites provide great information about avoiding areas with ticks, but the reality is that they can be in your bac
If you haven’t space to create a weed garden, then allow a few unwelcome visitors to grow among your cultivated plants. Controlled gardening is a great way to grow the plants and flowers you want to see, but it also allows the wild plants to help your soil and provide nutrient-rich fo