Spring wild edibles are out there now and after a long, very cold winter this greenery is certainly a welcome sight! Several wild edibles are peeking out of that melting snow and many more will be making their way into a forager's basket soon!
After water, tea is the most commonly ingested drink around the world. Studies have shown some of the positive health effects from drinking tea but do these positives outweigh the negatives? Between pesticides, heavy metals and bleached tea bags the negatives are by far outweighing th
The Russian dandelion is a whole lot more than just a wild edible. This multifunctional plant is a logical renewable resource for rubber that has quite an interesting history.
Sunday,December 8, 2013, CBC Television's Land & Sea will air a half hour documentary on foraging in Canada’s Maritimes. This will air on CBC across Canada at 12 noon regardless of the time zone.
Food products in packages, cans, boxes, or jars often contain ingredients that have been proven to be harmful to human health yet legally they are allowed. Learning what exactly is in your food has become critical if you want to live a healthy life.
Acorns can be found on forest floors in many countries and they are edible. With over 600 species of oak, 85 in Canada and the US, there are plenty of these nuts to go around for the animal life and for us!
Garlic mustard has a very long history of use that dates back to the Stone Age. Archeologists from the University of York in the UK discovered that garlic mustard seeds were used as a seasoning 6,000 years ago.
Highbush cranberries are best harvested after a good frost. While they are bitter in taste you can get creative with them when cooking. How about a Highbush Cranberry Sauce recipe that goes great with your Thanksgiving meal?
All about saving seeds from a survival point of view and why we should consider doing so in the first place. Emphasis is on wild edible seeds. Did you know Lamb's Quarters produces 55,000 seeds per plant?