Pansies are popular cultivated flowers that possess a plethora of nutrients and phenolic compounds. They look great in the garden or in a salad. Incorporating pansy flowers into your diet can help to boost your well being.
When was the last time you looked at a wild chicory plant and referred to it as a leafy green vegetable and not a weed? Loaded with nutrients and health benefits, this is a wild plant that deserves to be called a vegetable.
Stinging nettles, including those trichomes, are a reservoir of constituents and nutritional elements which provide us with a wealth of benefits for our health.
Cultivated for thousands of years in Japan, globally, burdock root has become a sought-after root vegetable that provides us with a plethora of vital nutrients.
Chickweed’s flavour is a refreshing burst of spring goodness. This versatile food is nutritious, easy to grow and easy to harvest that tastes delicious.
Lemon Balm is a citrus-scented, aromatic herb that grows wild. Having many applications, lemon balm is well-worth using one way or another on a daily basis.
Fiddleheads are a sought-after spring favourite and exercising proper handling care with these is paramount. Fiddlehead safety begins with proper identification.
Green smoothie powders are very expensive yet can provide us with a lot of badly-needed nutrients. Take control of your health and your budget by making your own green smoothie powder! The ingredients are free and all you need to invest is a little time.
Hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries have been praised for centuries due to their heart elevating properties. Whether they are used in herbal preparations or in the kitchen as a valuable food source, the hawthorn is a win-win.
When fresh, nutrient-dense produce is not available then it only makes sense to sprout your nutrition! Sprouting is easy, inexpensive and fast. Alfalfa sprouts are one of the most nourishing foods we can eat and the health benefits of these, and all sprouts, make it well-worth having
When I started six years ago I had no idea where this journey would take me. It has been an incredible experience meeting so many wonderful people both in person and online!
Wild leeks are a wonderful culinary way to welcome the spring. Sustainable harvesting practices of this spring ephemeral is important, more so in areas in which they do not grow in abundance.
Every month should be nutrition month because our food and beverage choices ultimately help our bodies to either prevent disease or to feed disease. How nutritious is the food you eat?
Consuming heart-healthy herbs and spices on a regular basis is the best type of health insurance anyone can ever have. A heart-healthy diet and smart lifestyle choices is exactly what we need to avert potential heart disease.
For three billion years marine phytoplankton has supported virtually all living creatures in the worlds’ oceans. Now, researchers have discovered that some species of phytoplankton are not only edible but can be categorized as a superfood.
Kukicha tea is a healthy tea that has a pleasant taste and contains many nutrients. Whether used as a medicinal tea or just to enjoy the taste, drinking a mug of kukicha tea every day will help boost your immune system.
Harvesting goldenrod may appear to be an easy forage however there is something to be vigilant about - be sure to check the leaves. Rust is a common occurrence with these tall plants and you don't want to be consuming this or bringing it to your home garden.
Fermented foods and beverages have become increasingly popular because they help to support good health yet some products can cost a fair bit. Fermentation of edible wild plants is a great way to increase an already nutrient-packed food that costs virtually nothing.