Pansies are popular cultivated flowers that possess a plethora of nutrients and phenolic compounds. They look great in the garden or in a salad. Incorporating pansy flowers into your diet can help to boost your well being.
The Mimosa Tree, aka the Silk Tree is a very useful tree for foragers! There are a lot of health benefits to this tree and it is well worth learning more about!
Bee the buzz in your neighborhood this year and plant low-to-no maintenance edible wild plants in your garden to attract the many variety of bees. Whether bees are in decline in your area or not, having a beautiful wild edible garden that brings pollinators to your property is win-win
Weeds can be a headache for those who strive to have a “perfect” garden, yet in reality, many weeds are the best source of food and medicine that's available not just for us – but for our gardens as well. Even for us gardeners, weeds can be very helpful if we know a few basic principl
Elderberries are easily propagated from hardwood or softwood cuttings. If managed properly in four years you can be enjoying the fruits of your labour!
Purslane contains a high density of several nutrients that are beneficial to our health. Although there are many ways to add this valuable wild plant into our diet, perhaps the most enjoyable way is by making a purslane smoothie and using this to make popsicles.
Our planet is constantly evolving and that means many plants have become extinct over the eons. Many more will follow. Instead of fighting against nature, we should be working with it in order to better sustain local ecosystems.
Hawthorn leaves, flowers, and berries have been praised for centuries due to their heart elevating properties. Whether they are used in herbal preparations or in the kitchen as a valuable food source, the hawthorn is a win-win.
Botanical artwork has been appreciated for educational and enjoyment purposes for about 3,500 years. Foragers and plant lovers alike appreciate the visual value of botanical art.
Reading the signs that nature has provided for us can help all gardeners create an amazing garden. Weeds provide us with a wealth of knowledge that should be valued.
Creating an edible landscape using edible flowers can be a great way to add colour to your garden or balcony. Lots of herb, fruit and vegetable flowers are edible as well so be sure to add these to your garden this year.
We know many wild plants have edible flowers but what about the flowers you can grow in your garden? This year create an edible landscape (or balcony garden) with some edible flowers.
Consuming heart-healthy herbs and spices on a regular basis is the best type of health insurance anyone can ever have. A heart-healthy diet and smart lifestyle choices is exactly what we need to avert potential heart disease.
For three billion years marine phytoplankton has supported virtually all living creatures in the worlds’ oceans. Now, researchers have discovered that some species of phytoplankton are not only edible but can be categorized as a superfood.
Do you know how to survive by foraging in the winter months? Extreme storms are escalating, and the chances of an EMP as well as intense geomagnetic storms are on the increase. Having this knowledge is the best insurance policy you can own.
4-season foraging and hiking can be a love affair you’ll always embrace when you are motivated and in need of some detox time from being indoors. Always be sure to have a backpack with essentials when you head out.
It's better to have and not need than to need and not have. Knowing a few survival skills in the event of any unexpected trouble includes many things including edible wild plant knowledge. In an ideal situation having a shelter to go to would be great; however, shelters are far and f